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Traveling Abroad


For patients requiring travel vaccinations for overseas travel, you will need to discuss your travel medicine health requirements with one of our doctors.

Your doctor may need to order blood tests or review past immunisation records in order to recommend the most appropriate vaccination schedule. Please bring records of any previous immunisations with you to the appointment.

Your doctor will be able to print you a travel health plan and give you prescriptions for required vaccinations. If you make a double appointment it may be possible for you to purchase the vaccinations from the adjacent pharmacy and have them administered by the doctor in the same visit.

It is important to come and see us 4-6 weeks prior to departure as the immunisations may take several weeks to be effective and some require multiple doses.

For information on Yellow Fever vaccinations please refer to the “Yellow Fever” tab

Whilst individual requirements may vary the standard adult schedules for typical immunizations are as follows (accelerated, slightly less effective, courses in brackets)

Hepatitis B                                                                                                       1,6 months (0,7,21 days, 12 months)        


Hepatitis A&B combination                                                                              0,1,6 months (0,7,21 days, 12 months)

Hepatitis A & Typhoid Combination                                                                 0,1,6  months

Hepatitis A booster                                                                                          1,6-36 months

TyphoidSingle dose, booster                                                                           every 3 years

Polio Single booster dose                                                                               10 yearly

Polio Tetanus & Diphtheria Single booster                                                      10 yearly

Rabies                                                                                                             0,7 & 28(21) days, 2 yearly booster or blood test

Japanese Encephalitis                                                                                    0 & 28 days (0,7,14 days 1-3 months)

Yellow Fever Single dose                                                                                10 yearly

Meningitis ACWY (Hajj meningitis vaccine)                                                     Single dose 3-5 yearly


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